'A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. ...'

The Interact Club office bearers of AGDAV school held the 1st meeting of the club after the installation on 2 August 2017. The meeting commenced with the Sargent of arms , Sawastik  Bhatacharya colloring the president , Aman Alam. The meeting was chaired by Aman , who welcomed the new team and shared the projects and activities planned for the year 2017-18. All the office bearers were explained their role and duty. Each director was allocated one project and was asked to think and plan its execution. The month wise planning was also done . Director Harsh Sharma was praised for the his idea of starting the project 'FEED The NEEDY'. The meeting was very fruitful as many important issues were discussed. The meeting ended with the Vice President , Ujjawal Singh's vote of thanks.


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